This thesis wants to develop an understanding of the effects of Gammalin-20 on forensically relevant insect species found on poisoned rabbit carrion, and their changes in abundance, rate of development, and succession order.
In a study conducted at the University of Ibadan, the entomotoxicological appraisal of carrion insects found on rabbits poisoned with Gammalin-20 was carried out. Two rabbits were used as surrogate human models, with one euthanized with Gammalin-20 and the other serving as a control. The flies and larvae found on the carcasses were collected and stored in alcohol. It was found that Calliphoridae were the most dominant carrion insects, while Sarcophagidae were less dominant. The control group had a greater diversity and species composition of carrion insects compared to the Gammalin-20 poisoned rabbits. Growth indicators like length and weight of the larvae were also comparatively higher in the control group. Temperature and humidity measurements were also conducted. The effects of the poison on the developmental and succession patterns of the insects were also examined.
Inhaltsverzeichnis (Table of Contents)
- 1.1 Forensic Entomology..
- 1.2. Gamalin-20.
- 1.3. Justification for the study
- 2.1. Forensic entomotoxicology.....
- 2.2. Subdivisions of forensic entomology.
- 2.3 Decomposition.
- 2.5. Factors Influencing Carrion Insects Development.
- 2.6. Arthropods Associated With Carcass...
- 2.7. Forensic Entomotoxicology...
- 3.2. Sample collection and processing..
- 3.3. Sample analyses........
- 4.1. Abundance and species composition of carrion insects on Rabbit carcass..
- 4.2. Effect of Gamalin 20 on the length and weight of larva..
- 4.3. Variations in environmental variables at the study site.
- 5.1. Abundance and species composition of carrion insects on rabbit carcass...
- 5.2. Carrion insect succession on rabbit carcass..
- 5.3. Effect of Gamalin on the length and weight of larva......
- 5.4. Variations in environmental variables at the study site
- 5.5. Conclusion and Recommendation
- References
Zielsetzung und Themenschwerpunkte (Objectives and Key Themes)
This scientific study focuses on the application of forensic entomotoxicology to investigate the effects of lindane (Gamalin-20) on carrion insects using euthanized rabbits as a model system. The study aims to contribute to our understanding of how pesticides can impact the development and succession of insect species on decaying remains, which is crucial for forensic investigations.
- Forensic entomotoxicology: Investigating the influence of pesticides on insect populations and their significance in forensic investigations.
- Carrion insect succession: Analyzing the pattern of insect colonization and development on decomposing remains, with specific focus on the effects of lindane.
- Lindane (Gamalin-20): Examining the impact of this pesticide on the growth and development of carrion insects.
- Environmental factors: Assessing the influence of temperature, humidity, and other environmental variables on carrion insect populations.
- Forensic entomology: Exploring the practical applications of insect evidence in legal investigations, particularly in cases involving potential pesticide exposure.
Zusammenfassung der Kapitel (Chapter Summaries)
Chapter One provides an introduction to the field of forensic entomology, discussing the significance of carrion insects in death investigations and the specific focus of the study on the effects of lindane. The chapter outlines the study's aims and objectives.
Chapter Two delves into a comprehensive literature review, examining the principles of forensic entomotoxicology, the various subdivisions of forensic entomology, and the decomposition process. The chapter explores the factors that influence carrion insect development, including temperature, humidity, and pesticides, and provides an overview of insect species commonly associated with carcasses. This chapter also discusses the importance and applications of forensic entomotoxicology in determining the time of death and identifying potential causes of death.
Chapter Three outlines the materials and methods used in the study, including the study site, sample collection and processing, and analysis techniques. The chapter provides detailed information on how insects, maggots, and pupae were collected and how environmental variables were measured.
Chapter Four presents the results and discussions, analyzing the abundance and species composition of carrion insects on rabbit carcasses treated with and without lindane. The chapter examines the effects of lindane on the length and weight of insect larvae and discusses variations in environmental variables at the study site. It also provides insight into the impact of lindane on carrion insect development and succession patterns.
Schlüsselwörter (Keywords)
This research focuses on the field of forensic entomotoxicology, examining the effects of lindane (Gamalin-20) on carrion insects. Key concepts include carrion insect succession, environmental variables, decomposition, and the application of entomological evidence in forensic investigations.
- Quote paper
- Emmanuel Tyokumbur (Author), 2023, Lindane Effects on Carrion Insects. A Forensic Entomotoxicological Appraisal Using Euthanized Rabbits, Munich, GRIN Verlag,